By choosing to flavor your food, you’re allowing for the spices to counter the effects of premature aging. Therefore, embrace flavorful food and read on to find out which spices and herbs need to be part of your spice rack.

Herbs and spices have played integral roles in traditional medicine, and for good reason. Not only are they rich in antioxidants, but they also contain minerals and other vital vitamins which can help to speed up your metabolism and improve cholesterol and blood glucose levels. By choosing to flavor your food, you’re allowing for the spices to counter the effects of premature aging. Therefore, embrace flavorful food and read on to find out which spices and herbs need to be part of your spice rack.

1. Basil

A member of the mint family, basil contains flavonoids that can help protect skin cells against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress – often a result of pollutant or excessive UV exposure – can damage skin cells as well as affect collagen levels, which is prone to leave you with dry, dehydrated aged skin. According to one study published in the DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, basil can help to prevent wrinkles and keep the skin hydrated and smooth.

Basil also supports heart health and lowers levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).

2. Turmeric 

This Holy Grail of spices is great for fighting free radical damage from environmental irritants such as UV light and pollution.  It contains the active ingredient, curcumin, shown in a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences to assist in collagen formation and the transportation and replication of fibroblasts. It is also effective in reducing inflammation in the wound healing process and help prevent loss of moisture in the skin.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon – google image 

Created from the rolled bark of a South Asian tree and one of the most beloved spices, cinnamon can help prevent the breakdown of collagen as well as boost its production thus preventing the sign of premature aging. Moreover, insulin spikes can lead to the formation of wrinkles and blemishes yet cinnamon prevents this by regulating blood sugar.

Cinnamon can also help relieve joint pain as a result of the anti-inflammatory compounds it contains and it also supports digestive health.

4. Ginger

Kentary Ginger Starch 

While this spice’s antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties boosts the immune system, offers pain relief and promotes heart health by lowering bad cholesterol – ginger can also counter the effects of premature aging.

According to one study, ginger counters the production of free radicals and it also helps to rejuvenate the skin.  One study found that ginger could control the production of harmful free radicals that affect your metabolism and increase oxidative stress, which, as we have already established, is harmful to your skin.

Not only can spices and herbs add much needed flavor to bland food, they also come with an abundance of health benefits, including anti-aging ones. However, while these spices can help you age more graceful it’s important that you do not partake in habits that would reverse their effects

Source: msn, healthista


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