Cantaloupe – countless benefits to health

Cantaloupe looks like melon but they are actually is very different! Cantaloupe is more expensive, sweeter and  more delicious than melon and high nutritional value! This fruit includes ability to support weight loss, prevent certain types of cancer, improve vision, fight diabetes…

Cantaloupe is actually a cross between a melon and sweet melon grown in Israel. The scientific name is Cucumis melo var, the outer shell is like yellow melon, but the inside is yellowish green, like melon sweet. Its taste is also a unique combination of these two types of melon, many people love it.


Cantaloupe contains a large amount of healthy nutrients

Cantaloupe is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, many minerals such as potassium, calcium and pectin. At also, they do not contain fat, cholesterol or low calorie intake.

Help healthy heart

Cantaloupe can support heart health in two ways. With high fiber content, they can help reduce the bad cholesterol in the body, protect against atherosclerosis. At the same time, thanks to its high potassium content, acting like a vasodilator, can lower your blood pressure, reduce your chances of developing coronary heart disease or heart attack and stroke. 

Digestion health

The abundant fiber, namely soluble fiber like pectin found in cantaloupe, can help increase the amount of your stools, reduce constipation and other digestive problems. In addition, soluble fiber helps you feel full, reduce overeating, support for dieters.

Strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer

Cantaloupe contains a variety of nutrients that can protect your body from illness, containing high levels of vitamin C that stimulate the immune system, vitamin A, carotenoids and bioflavonoids that act as an antioxidant. Cantaloupe contains organic compounds that are directly involved in reducing lung, nasopharynx, colon and breast cancer.

Dưa lưới sấy lạnh không đường

Cantaloupe has delicious sweet taste

Enhance eyesight

Vitamin A is found in moderate amounts in cantaloupe, which protects the eyes. Beta carotene can prevent yellow spot degeneration, the sensitivity of the yellow spots to ultraviolet radiation and prevent cataracts.

Prevent diabetes

Pectin found in cantaloupe can also help prevent diabetes, as pectin and other forms of fiber can regulate the delivery of glucose into blood vessels from simple sugars and carbohydrates. This means that diabetics and people at high risk for diabetes will be protected.

Read more

Cantaloupe – the ideal food for pregnant women

Beta carotene and what you should know

10 most expensive fruits in the world

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