4 Lemon Ginger Recipes for Weight Loss

Lemon and ginger are two superfoods, recommended by many weight loss experts and dietitians to people looking to loose weight faster and in a healthy way. Lemon and ginger and both individually considered foods which help in flushing out waste from the body and together they form a potent weight reduction team, that naturally melts fat and never leaves the body deficient in any of the important nutrients, minerals and vitamins. 

While the combination of these two foods has mostly been used in preparing detox waters, they’re extremely versatile and you can incorporate them in almost any dish you make, to enhance the nutrient profile of the dish and make it healthier. While lemon contains antioxidants flavanoids, which protects cells from damage and supplies the body with Vitamin C, ginger root has been known to reduce inflammation, boost immunity and improve digestion. Lemon has also been known to reduce blood pressure and ginger improve blood circulation. 

These are the top 4 ways you can use the lemon-ginger combination to loose kilos a lot faster:

1. Warm water with lemon and ginger

Warm water, ginger, lemon help reduce belly fat – google image 

Diet and weight loss experts frequently suggest drinking one glass of warm water in the morning, in order to give you a head start in melting belly fat. Add to the mix diet superfoods lemon and ginger, and you’ve got yourself a winning concoction, that can aid weight loss immensely. It’s imperative that you drink this, the first thing in the morning, and is ideal for detoxing, burning fat and supplying antioxidants and Vitamin C to your body. 

The warm juice raises body temperature, starting thermogenesis to melt away fat. The ginger relieves inflammation, relaxes stomach muscles and eases pain, and reduces constipation, besides helping in weight loss. The perfect morning weight loss tonic!

Tham khảo: 

2. Lemon and Ginger with green tea

This detoxifying tea is great for an afternoon drink, probably after lunch. Green tea is one of the best superfoods for weight loss, as it has catechins which naturally melt away belly fat. Combined with ginger and lemon, the tea prevents fat from accumulating in the body, fights cholesterol, improves immunity and keeps you hydrated, all the while also improving your digestive health. 

This tea is great for your figure and is the most healthy alternative to coffee, for your mid-day caffeine fix. So the next time you make a cup, just add a little grated ginger and squeeze half a lemon in, and enjoy your immensely healthy brew!

3. Lemon, Cucumber, Ginger and Mint Water

Detox water with cucumber, lemon, ginger, mint leaves – google image 

This detox water will provide all the essential nutrients to your body and keep you hydrated, while flushing out toxins and helping you to lose weight faster. Slice one lemon and one cucumber into thin slices and grate some ginger- about one tablespoon of it. Wash one half cup of mint leaves and set them aside. Now add all the above ingredients to a pitcher containing at least six glasses of water, and stir well. Let the pitcher sit with all the ingreidients in it, for at least one whole night.  

Filter the water the next morning and store it in a bottle. Drink this detox water, first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Follow this routine for at least four weeks, after which you can discontinue it. 

4. Lemon Ginger diet soup

This is the perfect weight loss recipe for those looking to lose weight faster. All you need to do is saute some chopped ginger, garlic, green chilies and onions in olive oil and add vegetable stock, once the onions are golden brown. Let the stock simmer for some time on medium heat. Add lemon juice and salt to taste. Turn off the heat, once the stock has reduced to almost half and your diet soup is ready! It makes for the perfectly nutritious and healthy dinner recipe, for people wanting to shed a lot of kilos faster. 

Source: India .com


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