Most of us drink a glass of chilled water right after returning from work, especially during summer to quench our thirst and remove exhaustion. However, many of us are not aware of the fact that drinking chilled water can do more harm than good. In this blog, we discuss the harmful effects of drinking chilled water. Read on.

We all know that it is extremely important to drink sufficient water to stay hydrated and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. We also pay special attention to drink water that is free of contaminants by installing top quality water purifiers. However, are you aware of the fact that the temperature of water you drink can also affect your health? Most of us drink a glass of chilled water right after returning from work, especially during summer to quench our thirst and remove exhaustion. However, many of us are not aware of the fact that drinking chilled water can do more harm than good. In this blog, we discuss the harmful effects of drinking chilled water. Read on.

Restricts digestion


Cold beverages contract your blood vessels, thereby restricting digestion – google image 

Experts claim that chilled water and even cold beverages contract your blood vessels, thereby restricting digestion. It also hinders the natural process of absorbing nutrients during digestion. The body’s focus is diverted from digestion as it tries to regulate your body temperature and that of the water, which can actually cause water loss and make you feel dehydrated. The normal temperature of the body is 37 degree C, and when you consume something of a very low temperature, your body compensates by spending energy to regulate this temperature. This extra energy that is now used to regulate the temperature would have been originally used in the process of digestion and absorbing nutrients. This is why it is always advisable to have water at room temperature.

Sore throat

Another very obvious reason, for which even your elders have been preventing you from gulping down cold water, is your increased chances of getting a sore throat and stuffy nose. Drinking chilled water, especially after a meal, results in the build up of excess mucus (respiratory mucosa), which forms the protective layer of the respiratory tract. However, when the tract gets congested, it becomes vulnerable to many inflammatory infections. 

Could decrease heart rate

Some studies have also shown that cold water may have a role to play in decreasing your heart rate. Drinking ice water supposedly stimulates the tenth cranial nerve – the vagus nerve. This nerve is a significant part of the body’s autonomous nervous system, and it mediates the lowering of heart rate. When you consume chilled water, the low temperatures of the water stimulates the nerve to cause the heart rate to drop. 

Effects fat breakdown


Drinking chilled water immediately after a meal also interferes with your body’s ability to breakdown fats – ảnh st

Drinking chilled water immediately after a meal also interferes with your body’s ability to breakdown fats. The cold temperature of water solidifies fats from the foods and as a result it becomes difficult for your body to breakdown the unwanted fats from your body. Even if you drink normal water, ensure that you wait for 30 minutes after a meal before drinking water to get the maximum benefits.

Shocks your body

It is also not advisable to have chilled water after a workout. Gym experts suggest taking a glass of warm water after a workout. When you workout, there’s  a lot of heat generated, and if you drink ice-cold water immediately after, the mismatch of temperatures may take a toll on your digestive tract. In addition to that, your body cannot absorb the chilled water, therefore it’s of no use. Some people also complain of a chronic pain in the stomach due to the intake of chilled water right after workout. This is because ice-cold water comes as a shock to your body. 

Source: kent, food.ndtv


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