As if all the changes happening within your body weren’t enough to cause discomfort, environmental factors outside of your body can make pregnancy even harder than it already is. The warmer months and higher temperatures can bring about additional challenges for pregnant women. Below are 8 tips that pregnant ladies can follow to reduce the discomforts caused by summer heat during your pregnancy.

 Drink Lots of Water

Nowadays, we are constantly reminded of how important it is to drink enough water for your body. Because your body’s need for water increases during pregnancy, you’ll need to be extra mindful to maintain— or even increase — your fluid intake.

Additionally, in the summertime, the risk for dehydration is especially high (since we are more likely to lose fluids through sweat). Because dehydration may increase your risk of going into pre-term (early) labor, you should take extra caution to avoid becoming dehydrated.

If drinking plain water tastes boring to you, feel free to get creative with it! Try infusing your water with fruits, herbs, and vegetables to make your hydration efforts fun and tasty. 

 Healthy meals

Include lots of fresh fruits and juice to beat the heat. Vegetables like cucumber should be included in the diet during the summer months. Avoid very spicy foods.



Include lots of fresh fruits and juice to beat the heat – google image 

 Stay cool

If you are feeling unbearably hot, a cool shower can be helpful. Take time to go to a swimming pool and refresh yourself.

Always carry a spray bottle when you are out and about. Spray it on to cool down yourself.

 Dress for Comfort

While we definitely appreciate a desire to dress ultra-chic throughout your entire pregnancy, you don’t have to wear tight, uncomfortable clothing in order to do so! In the summertime especially, you should give yourself a break by wearing light, breathable, loose-fighting garments.

This smart fashion move will help you keep cool under the sun, and also prevent complications that can arise from wearing too-tight clothing (such as chafing and yeast infections).


 Skin care during summer

Pregnancy can make your skin very sensitive. Whenever you go out apply sunscreen to get protected from the sun.

Being hydrated also prevents dry skin.

Do not forget to wear your sunglasses too. A cute hat or scarf can also be used to save you from the rays of the sun.

During summer lips become dry.  Use a good lip balm with SPF 15 to protect your lips.

 Exercise at the right time

Walking, swimming, yoga, and other pregnancy exercises are good for you and your baby. During summer, exercise should be done early in the morning or in the evening when the temperatures are low. During exercise, if one feels tired it is better to relax and take rest. Don’t try to over-stress yourself while doing physical activities. Do it light and limited to your comfort zone.


During summer, exercise should be done early in the morning or in the evening – google image 

 Limited outdoor activity during hot hours

Being outdoors to get some fresh air is too good during pregnancy. It can actually help you to relax and rejuvenate. During summer days restrict your outdoor activities to early morning or evening. Avoid going out during the peak hours like 11 am to 4 pm when the sun’s rays are strongest.

 Proper rest and sleep

Sleep and rest are very important factors for mothers. Sleeping helps to eliminate stress. Summer heat can make you more tired. Take time for yourself. Relax by reading a book, listening to music, or doing meditation.  Rest is very important during pregnancy.


Sleep and rest is a very important factors for mothers – google image

Source: bumpsnbaby, cwcashburn


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